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{{from|微分之數有二,一曰常數,一曰變數;變數以天地人物等字代之,常數以甲乙子丑等字代之。<br><br>凡式中常數之同數俱不變。如直線之式爲<math>地=甲天\bot乙</math>,則線之甲與乙,俱僅有一同數任在何點永不變,而天與地之同數則每點皆變也。<br><br>'''凡此變數中函彼變數,則此爲彼之函數。'''<br><br>如直線之式爲<math>地=甲天\bot乙</math>,則地爲天之函數;又平圜之式爲<math>地=\sqrt{味^二\top甲^二}</math>,味爲半徑,天爲正弦,地爲餘弦;橢圓之式爲<math>地=</math>{{sfrac|呷|{{RareChar|𠮙|⿰口乙}}}}<math>\sqrt{二呷天\top天^二}</math>,皆地爲天之函數也。|《代微積拾級·卷十 微分一·例》}}
{{from|微分之數有二,一曰常數,一曰變數;變數以天地人物等字代之,常數以甲乙子丑等字代之。<br><br>凡式中常數之同數俱不變。如直線之式爲<math>地\xlongequal{\qquad}甲天\bot乙</math>,則線之甲與乙,俱僅有一同數任在何點永不變,而天與地之同數則每點皆變也。<br><br>'''凡此變數中函彼變數,則此爲彼之函數。'''<br><br>如直線之式爲<math>地\xlongequal{\qquad}甲天\bot乙</math>,則地爲天之函數;又平圜之式爲<math>地\xlongequal{\qquad}\sqrt{味^二\top甲^二}</math>,味爲半徑,天爲正弦,地爲餘弦;橢圓之式爲<math>地\xlongequal{\qquad}</math>{{sfrac|呷|{{RareChar|𠮙|⿰口乙}}}}<math>\sqrt{二呷天\top天^二}</math>,皆地爲天之函數也。|《代微積拾級·卷十 微分一·例》}}

第1,382行: 第1,382行:

“凡此变数中函彼变数,则此为彼之函数”(One variable is said to be a function of another variable, when the first is equal to a certain algebraic expression containing the second.)这句话,往往被讹传为出现在李善兰另一译作《代数学》中,其实并非如此,出处就是《代微积拾级》。
“凡此变数中函彼变数,则此为彼之函数”(One variable is said to be a function of another variable, when the first is equal to a certain algebraic expression containing the second.)这句话,往往被讹传为出现在李善兰另一译作《代数学》中,其实并非如此,出处就是《代微积拾级》。

== 微分 ==


{{from|'''函數與變數之變比例俱謂之微分''',用彳號記之。如 <math>戌\xlongequal{\qquad}天^三</math>,則得比例 {{RareChar|𢓍|⿰彳天}} : 彳戌<math>:: 一 : 三天^二</math>。{{RareChar|𢓍|⿰彳天}}彳戌,爲天與戌之微分。后皆仿此,用表天與戌之變比例。以一四兩率相乘,二三兩率相乘,則得彳戌<math>\xlongequal{\qquad}三天^二</math>{{RareChar|𢓍|⿰彳天}}。此顯函數戌之變比例,等于 三天<sup>二</sup> 乘變數天之變比例。以{{RareChar|𢓍|⿰彳天}}約之,得{{sfrac|{{RareChar|𢓍|⿰彳天}}|彳戌}}<math>\xlongequal{\qquad}三天^二</math>。此顯變數之變比例,約函數之變比例,等于函數之微係數也。如戌爲天之函數,三天 爲戌之微係數,此舉立方以㮣其餘。|《代微積拾級·卷十 微分一·例》}}

{{from|(170.) '''The rate of variation of a function or of any variable quantity is called its ''differential''''', and is denoted by the letter ''d'' placed before it. Thus, if<br><center><math>u=x^3</math>,</center><br>then<br><center><math>dx:du::1:3x^2</math></center>.<br>The expressions ''dx'', ''du'' are read differential of ''x'', differential of ''u'', and denote the rates of variation of ''x'' and ''u''.<br><br>If we multiply together the extremes and the means of the preceding proportion, we have<br><center><math>du=3x^2dx</math>,</center><br>which signifies that the rate of increase of the function ''u'' is 3''x''<sup>2</sup> times that of the variable ''x''.<br><br>If we divide each member of the last equation by ''dx'', we have<br><center><math>\frac{du}{dx}=3x^2</math>,</center><br>which expresses the ratio of the rate of variation of the function to that of the independent variable, and is called the ''differential coefficient'' of ''u'' regarded as a function of ''x''.|''Elements of Analytical Geometry and of The Differential and Integral Calculus'', Differential Calculus, Proposition II}}


2022年10月3日 (一) 11:25的版本



《代微积shè级》,由英国汉学家、来华传教士伟烈亚力(Alexander Wylie,1815年4月6日-1887年2月10日)口译,清代数学家李善兰(1811年1月22日-1882年12月9日)笔述;1859年由上海墨海书馆(The London Missionary Society Press)出版。原著为美国数学家伊莱亚斯·罗密士(Elias Loomis,1811年8月7日-1889年8月15日)于1851年出版的《解析几何和微积分初步》(Elements of Analytical Geometry and of The Differential and Integral Calculus









文件:Symbol Table.jpg


A jiǎ a Α jiǎo α jiǎo F hán
B 𠮙 b Β kàng β kàng f
C 𠰳bǐng c Γ γ ϕ 𭡝hán
D d Δ ⿰口房 δ ψ
E 𱒐 e Ε xīn M
F 𠯇 f Ζ 𠳿wěi ζ π [表注 1]
G 𱓒gēng g Η 𱕍 η ε (讷)[表注 2]
H xīn h Θ dǒu θ dǒu d wēi[表注 3]
I 𠰃rén i Ι níu ι [表注 4]
J 𱓩guǐ j Κ 𠯆 κ
K k Λ λ
L choǔ l Μ 𠱓wēi[表注 5] μ
M 𠻤yín m Ν shì ν
N 𠰭mǎo n Ξ ⿰口壁 ξ
O chén o Ο kuí ο
P 𱒄 p Π lóu(喽)
Q q Ρ wèi[表注 6] ρ
R r Σ 𭈾mǎo σ mǎo
S s Τ (哔) τ 畢(毕)
T yǒu t Υ υ
U u Φ shēn𰇼
V hài v Χ 𠯤jǐn χ
W 𭈘 w Ψ 𠺌guǐ
X 𱒆tiān x Ω ⿰口柳 ω
Y y
Z rén z


[math]\displaystyle{ \bot }[/math][表注 7] [表注 8] 正也,加也[表注 9]
[math]\displaystyle{ \top }[/math][表注 10] [表注 11] 負也,減也[表注 12]
[math]\displaystyle{ \times }[/math][表注 13] ×[表注 14] 相乘也
[math]\displaystyle{ \div }[/math][表注 15] ÷[表注 16] 約也,或作[math]\displaystyle{ - }[/math]
[math]\displaystyle{ :::: }[/math] :::: 四率比例也
[math]\displaystyle{ () }[/math] () 括諸數為一數也,名曰括弧
[math]\displaystyle{ \sqrt{} }[/math][表注 17] 開方根也
[math]\displaystyle{ = }[/math] = 等於[表注 18]
[math]\displaystyle{ \lt }[/math] < 右大於左
[math]\displaystyle{ \gt }[/math] > 左大於右
[math]\displaystyle{ 0 }[/math] 0 無也
[math]\displaystyle{ \infty }[/math][表注 19] 無窮也


  1. 圆周率
  2. 自然常数,疑似应为e。
  3. 音同“微”,指微分号。
  4. 音同“积”,指积分号。
  5. 书中表格与Ρ颠倒。
  6. 书中表格与Μ颠倒。
  7. \bot
  8. U+22A5,&bottom;&bot;&perp;&UpTee;&#8869;
  9. 此处并非垂直符号[math]\displaystyle{ \perp }[/math]\perp)或⟂(U+27C2,&#10178;)。不使用加号+(U+002B,&#plus;&#43;)是因为易与汉字数字“十”混淆。此为“上”的古字(丄,U+4E04,&#19972;)。
  10. \top
  11. U+22A4,&top;&DownTee;&#8868;
  12. 不使用减号−(U+2212,&minus;&#8722;)或连字暨减号-(U+002D,&#45;)是因为易与汉字数字“一”混淆。此为“下”的古字(丅,U+4E05,&#19973; )。
  13. \times
  14. U+00D7,&times;&#215;
  15. \div
  16. U+00F7,&divide;&#247;
  17. \sqrt{}
  18. 与原符号不同,书中为防止与汉字数字“二”混淆而被拉长。
  19. \infty






凡式中常數之同數俱不變。如直線之式爲[math]\displaystyle{ 地\xlongequal{\qquad}甲天\bot乙 }[/math],則線之甲與乙,俱僅有一同數任在何點永不變,而天與地之同數則每點皆變也。


如直線之式爲[math]\displaystyle{ 地\xlongequal{\qquad}甲天\bot乙 }[/math],則地爲天之函數;又平圜之式爲[math]\displaystyle{ 地\xlongequal{\qquad}\sqrt{味^二\top甲^二} }[/math],味爲半徑,天爲正弦,地爲餘弦;橢圓之式爲[math]\displaystyle{ 地\xlongequal{\qquad} }[/math]/𠮙[math]\displaystyle{ \sqrt{二呷天\top天^二} }[/math],皆地爲天之函數也。

[取自《代微積拾級·卷十 微分一·例》]


ARTICLE (157.) IN the Differential Calculus, as in Analytical Geometry, there are two classes of quantities to be considered, viz., variables and constants.

Variable quantities are generally represented by the last letters of the alphabet, x, y, z, etc., and any values may be assigned to them which will satisfy the equations into which they enter.

Constant quantities are generally represented by the firstletters of the alphabet, a, b, c, etc., and these always retain the same values throughout the same investigation.

Thus, in the equation of a straight line,
[math]\displaystyle{ y=ax+b }[/math],

the quantities a and b have but one value for the same line, while x and y vary in value for every point of the line.

(158.) One variable is said to be a function of another variable, when the first is equal to a certain algebraic expression containing the second. Thus, in the equation of a straight line
[math]\displaystyle{ y=ax+b }[/math],

y is a function of x.

So, also, in the equation of a circle,
[math]\displaystyle{ y=\sqrt{R^2-x^2} }[/math];

and in the equation of the ellipse,
[math]\displaystyle{ y=\frac{B}{A}\sqrt{2Ax-x^2} }[/math].

[取自Elements of Analytical Geometry and of The Differential and Integral Calculus, Differential Calculus, Section I]

“凡此变数中函彼变数,则此为彼之函数”(One variable is said to be a function of another variable, when the first is equal to a certain algebraic expression containing the second.)这句话,往往被讹传为出现在李善兰另一译作《代数学》中,其实并非如此,出处就是《代微积拾级》。



函數與變數之變比例俱謂之微分,用彳號記之。如 [math]\displaystyle{ 戌\xlongequal{\qquad}天^三 }[/math],則得比例 𢓍 : 彳戌[math]\displaystyle{ :: 一 : 三天^二 }[/math]𢓍彳戌,爲天與戌之微分。后皆仿此,用表天與戌之變比例。以一四兩率相乘,二三兩率相乘,則得彳戌[math]\displaystyle{ \xlongequal{\qquad}三天^二 }[/math]𢓍。此顯函數戌之變比例,等于 三天 乘變數天之變比例。以𢓍約之,得𢓍/彳戌[math]\displaystyle{ \xlongequal{\qquad}三天^二 }[/math]。此顯變數之變比例,約函數之變比例,等于函數之微係數也。如戌爲天之函數,三天 爲戌之微係數,此舉立方以㮣其餘。

[取自《代微積拾級·卷十 微分一·例》]


(170.) The rate of variation of a function or of any variable quantity is called its differential, and is denoted by the letter d placed before it. Thus, if
[math]\displaystyle{ u=x^3 }[/math],

[math]\displaystyle{ dx:du::1:3x^2 }[/math]
The expressions dx, du are read differential of x, differential of u, and denote the rates of variation of x and u.

If we multiply together the extremes and the means of the preceding proportion, we have
[math]\displaystyle{ du=3x^2dx }[/math],

which signifies that the rate of increase of the function u is 3x2 times that of the variable x.

If we divide each member of the last equation by dx, we have
[math]\displaystyle{ \frac{du}{dx}=3x^2 }[/math],

which expresses the ratio of the rate of variation of the function to that of the independent variable, and is called the differential coefficient of u regarded as a function of x.

[取自Elements of Analytical Geometry and of The Differential and Integral Calculus, Differential Calculus, Proposition II]