这是文档页面,它应该被放置到模板:Lowercase title。查看模板:Documentation以获取更多信息。
此模板及其文档搬运自中文Minecraft Wiki页面[[mcwzh:{{{page}}}|{{{page}}}]]。

这些内容依据CC BY-NC-SA 3.0协议引入。原贡献者请参见[{{fullurl:mcwzh:{{{page}}}|action=history}} 原页面的历史]。
From interwiki:sync参数无效


This template is used to make the first letter of a page title display as lowercase, since MediaWiki automatically capitalizes the first letter of a page title. To use simply add the code {{lowercase}} to the article. Namespaces in page titles will remain unaltered, changing the capitalization after the namespace instead.

See also