
SkyEye FAST讨论 | 贡献2021年5月4日 (二) 12:38的版本 (建立内容为“→‎这里的任何JavaScript将为所有用户在每次页面载入时加载。:​ /** * Set minimum height for animations to prevent moving the page if the fra…”的新页面
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  • Firefox或Safari:按住Shift的同时单击刷新,或按Ctrl-F5Ctrl-R(Mac为⌘-R
  • Google Chrome:Ctrl-Shift-R(Mac为⌘-Shift-R
  • Internet Explorer或Edge:按住Ctrl的同时单击刷新,或按Ctrl-F5
  • Opera:Ctrl-F5
/* 这里的任何JavaScript将为所有用户在每次页面载入时加载。 */

 * Set minimum height for animations to prevent moving the page if the frames
 * differ in height
( function() {
	// Set frames to be visible for measuring height
	var $animated = $wikipageContent.find( '.animated' ).addClass( 'animated-visible' );
	// Group frames per animation
	var animateds = [];
	$animated.each( function() {
		animateds.push( {
			$: $( this ).find( '> .animated-subframe' ).addBack()
				.find( '> *:not(.animated-subframe)' ),
		} );
	} );
	// Get highest frame for each animation (if heights differ)
	$.each( animateds, function() {
		var minHeight = 0, differentHeights;
		this.$.each( function() {
			var height = this.offsetHeight;
			differentHeights = differentHeights || minHeight && height !== minHeight;
			minHeight = Math.max( height, minHeight );
		} );
		if ( differentHeights ) {
			this.height = minHeight;
	} );
	// Set animation to be at least as tall as the tallest frame,
	// and set the non-active frames to be hidden again
	$animated.each( function( i ) {
		$( this ).css( 'min-height', animateds[i].height );
	} ).removeClass( 'animated-visible' );
}() );
/** 顶部公告 **/
/* From under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0*/
function siteNoticeScroll(obj,interval) {
    height: 'show',
    paddingTop: 'show',
    marginTop: 'show',
    paddingBottom: 'show',
    marginBottom: 'show',
  setInterval(function() {
      marginTop: '-25px'
    function() {
        marginTop: '0px',

/* [[Template:Tabs]] */
$(".tabtable").each(function(i, e) {
	var $table = $(e);
	var $nav = $table.find(".tabtable-nav");
	$table.find(".tabtable-cell").each(function(i, e) {
		var $cell = $(e);
		var $tab = $("<div class='tabtable-tab'><span>" + $cell.attr("data-title") +"</span></div>");
		$ {

/* debug */'Common.js has been successfully loaded.');