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=== 注释 ===
== 术语 ==
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! Abbreviated expression
| 簡式
第1,367行 ⟶ 第1,369行:
{{from|A<span style{{=}}"font-size: 1070%;>RTICLE</span> (157.) I<span style{{=}}"font-size: 1070%;>N</span> the Differential Calculus, as in Analytical Geometry, there are two classes of quantities to be considered, viz., ''variables'' and ''constants''.<br><br>Variable quantities are generally represented by the last letters of the alphabet, ''x'', ''y'', ''z'', etc., and any values may be assigned to them which will satisfy the equations into which they enter.<br><br>Constant quantities are generally represented by the firstletters of the alphabet, ''a'', ''b'', ''c'', etc., and these always retain the same values throughout the same investigation.<br><br>Thus, in the equation of a straight line, <br><center><math>y=ax+b</math>,</center><br>the quantities a and b have but one value for the same line, while ''x'' and ''y'' vary in value for every point of the line.<br><br>(158.) '''One variable is said to be a ''function'' of another variable, when the first is equal to a certain algebraic expression containing the second.''' Thus, in the equation of a straight line <br><center><math>y=ax+b</math>,</center><br>''y'' is a function of ''x''. <br><br>So, also, in the equation of a circle, <br><center><math>y=\sqrt{R^2-x^2}</math>;</center><br>and in the equation of the ellipse, <br><center><math>y=\frac{B}{A}\sqrt{2Ax-x^2}</math>.</center>|''Elements of Analytical Geometry and of The Differential and Integral Calculus'', Differential Calculus, Section I}}
“凡此变数中函彼变数,则此为彼之函数”(One variable is said to be a function of another variable, when the first is equal to a certain algebraic expression containing the second.)这句话,往往被讹传为出现在李善兰另一译作《代数学》中,其实并非如此,出处就是《代微积拾级》。
